Cytology Semen Analysis August 12, 2024August 12, 2024 Vishnu K R — Not required for exam purposes — Table of contents: Temporal Report Outline REPORT FORMAT Temporal Report Outline (based on WHO 6e, 2021)Normal values are written in green highlight. Patient information: Name, age, ID, address: Abstinence duration (2-7d) Macroscopic (Physical) examination Volume [wt. in g / 1.01] (1.3-1.5ml) Liquefaction time (15-30 mins/>30 mins/>60 mins enzymatic) Appearance (grey-opalescent/slightly yellowish/Yellow/reddish-brown/Clear-viscous) Viscosity (Normal / Abnormally Viscous: >2cm thread out of 1.5mm pipette) Odour (Normal/urine smell/putrid smell) pH (>7.2, assessed in <60mins, with pH paper of 6.0-10.0) Microscopic examination Clumping (Nil in normal) Sperm aggregates [Non specific, mucin strands, other cells, debris] (none/some/plenty) Agglutinates (Degrees: 1-isolated <10s/agg; 2-moderate 10-50s/agg; 3-large agg >50s/agg some free; 4-gross all s in interconnected agg) Sperm count Count/concentration (15-18 million/ml) Motility Total motility (>40%) Progressive Rapid [25microm/s or more] (>29%)25microm = 1/2 tail length Slow Progressive [5-24microm/s] (10%) Non Progressive [<5microm/s] (1%) Immotile [no tail movement] (<20%) Vitality [if motility <40%, assessed <60mins] Total live (>50%) Live motile: Live immotile ( <25% of all/ >25-30%: ciliary problem ~Kartagener) Dead Morphology Normal (>3.9%) Abnormal Head abnormality Neck and midpiece abnormality Tail abnormality Excess residual cytoplasm Other Cells WBC (<1 million/ml) RBC (+/-) Extended examination Anti-sperm antibodies (if agglutination degree of 1 or more) Semen Fructose (>13mic.moles/ejaculate)Vas deferens and ejaculatory duct normal Remarks: Normozoospermia (all parameters normal) Oligozoospermia (count reduced) Azoospermia (absence of sperm in ejaculate) Aspermia (absence of ejaculate) Asthenozoospermia (Progressive rapid motility < 29%) Teratozoospermia (normal morphology <3.9%) Oligo-astheno-teratozoospermia (all parameters abnormal) Leukocytospermia (>1million/mL WBC) Necrozoospermia (All sperms non viable) REPORTING FORMAT Proposed Template Test ParameterObservedBiological reference interval (95% CI)AbnormalAbstinence duration (days)2-7 days<2 daysPhysical examinationVolume (ml)1.3 – 1.5 mL<1.3 mLLiquefaction time (mins)15 – 30 mins>30mins, >60 mins enzymaticAppearanceGrey opalescentGrey opalescent / Slightly yellowish / Clear yellow / Reddish-brown / Clear-viscousViscosityslightslight / highOdourno abnormal smellurine/putrid smellpH>7.2<7.2Microscopic examinationCLUMPINGSperm aggregatesnonenone/some/plentyAgglutinatesnilDegree 1/2/3/4SPERM COUNTCount/concentration (million/mL)15-18 million/mL<15 million/mLMOTILITYTotal motility (RP+SP+NP)>40%<40%Immotile––VITALITYTotal live>50%<50%Dead––MORPHOLOGYNormal>3.9%<3.9%Abnormal (H+N+M+T)––OTHER CELLSWBC (million/mL)<1 million/mL>1 million/mLRBCnil+Extended examinationAnti-sperm antibodiesnegative+Semen FructosepositivenegativeREMARKS: